Welcome to the online art studio, aka the wired atelier*!

This blog is designed for students and families in Allison Fuller-Mulloy's SMHS Art Classes. It is a site for posting our daily work and homework (IWs) each week, ideas and images to explore further, reminders and due dates. I hope this blog will help students by reinforcing the week's major ideas and activities, giving make-up work for absentees, and providing families a look into the atelier every day!

Please visit the links on the right side for more information, downloads and images.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Although we planned to present our wikis today, we had a day of interuptions and preoccupied students. 1st block was able to get through a few presentations before the first interruption, other classes did not. After having lengthy discussions in each class, our presentations were postponed until Monday. It seemed a fitting time to teach and learn about personal responsibility and the consequences of apathy and disrespect on all of us.

Students instead used the period to voice and discuss concerns they have at school with their teachers, administration, and their peers. One class even made posters to illustrate concerns and proposed solutions. It was a good exercise in accepting responsibility and productive criticism instead of whining, defensiveness and apathy. I was quite proud at many of the students' frank responses to my questions about our student body's attitude about school, and I hope I gave a few students something to think about. We truly have great students at SMHS, and I hope they'll see that, too!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lab work

Today was the final day students spent in the computer lab working on their wikis. Many student groups were completely finished with their Art critiques and had them posted by the end of the period. A few students should be finishing up tonight at home in preparation of their presentations tomorrow. I am extremely excited to see what our students have to say about the artwork they chose and see what they thought about the use of the wiki for this unit of study.

When several students were finished, I showed them www.bubbl.us. What a fun Website for creating concept maps and brainstorming! The students that tried it loved playing around and seeing the color change and manipulation that was possible with the concept maps.

Looking forward to presentations tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Approaching Works of Art

Today we worked more on creating our art critiques for our Harlem Renaisance wiki pages. After orally critiquing a famous work of art as a class, students were more comfortable with their critiquing skills and phrases. We also discussed the 5 categories of Aesthetic Judgement that can be applied to a critique, noting that Formalism and Emotionalism is what we usually focus on in a school setting. The class spent several minutes answering the questions about the masterwork that our Approaching Works of Art wiki page prompts us to ask in order to lead us through a critique. Students were reminded that art critiques are not biographical reports about artists, but instead looking closely at that's artist's chosen work of art. Because of this fact, anyone can critique a work of art, whether they know anything about the artist or not!

Students spent the remainder of the block working with their partners on writing the critique and organizing their thoughts. We noted that students within a group can certainly have different judgements or interpretations of the artwork, and that those discrepancies could be noted in the critique. We reminded ourselves that even though we may not like something, that does not mean the thing is "no good" or unsuccessful. Students were told that they will have one more computer lab day before presenting their wikis to the class this Friday for a test grade. Students were also reminded they have open access to the wiki at home to work if they are behind or need more time! I can't wait to see the outstanding work our students have created!

Today was the last day to turn in a signed progress report for extra credit and sketchbook HW#5 was due today!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In the Lab

Students spent today's class period in the library computer lab doing research with their partners for their wiki assignment. Folders for each block were pointed out, as well as the group numbers and pages already created. Students were also asked to make sure their name on the wiki account was First Name & 2 initials of Last name (ex. AllisonMu for me) for privacy purposes. This Art Critique wiki assignment will count as a test grade.

After choosing a piece of art by a Harlem Renaissance artist, students searched the web for an image to add to the wiki. Using the Online Assignment page for an explanation of this assignment, as well as the Approaching Works of Art page as a step-by-step guide for writing the critique, partners used the period to collect pertinent information from reliable Websites and test their group's wiki page. Students were reminded of the timetable for this assignment (Presentations ready by Friday) and of their one additional day in class to work on computers, but were encouraged to do as much work at home as they can!

Students were again reminded of the writing portion of this week's homework assignment.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Harlem Renaissance Artists intro

Progress reports were handed out- due Wed signed for extra credit!

Today we watched a video about artist Jacob Lawrence and wrote 15 facts we learned about him and his art. After the video, we each shared the facts we found interesting. We also talked about the Italian Renaissance, noting the "rebirth" of intellect, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge during this time. We connected those ideas to the "rebirth" of the African American community in Harlem which involved not only artists, but also writers, poets, musicians, and intellectuals. We discussed the Harlem Renaissance artists' interest in depicting the lives and stories of both prominent figures in African American history, as well as those of everday people. Jacob Lawrence was especially intersted in this type of 'Historical Narrative' and 'genre' painting. Check out this collection of links for more info!

After copying a list of Harlem Renaissance artists' information into our sketchbooks, we chose partners for our Art Criticism Wiki project. Each group of students will complete a 4-paragraph Art Critique on a work of art by the Harlem Renaissance artist of their choice. Following the steps and instructions given on the wiki and in class, groups will design and create an original wiki page to present their critique. This week students will be given time in the library to gather information and images needed for the critique, as well as working in class with partners to write and prepare the information to place on wiki. Students will hopefully be ready to present their group wikis to class Friday!

Sketchbook assignment #5 (due Wednesday, as always) was also clarified. Students compared this assignment to the Shape & Pattern drawing they made in week 2 as an example of a non-objective drawing. Students were reminded that this week's homework also requires a writing exercise.