Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the break!
Welcome to the online art studio, aka the wired atelier*!
This blog is designed for students and families in Allison Fuller-Mulloy's SMHS Art Classes. It is a site for posting our daily work and homework (IWs) each week, ideas and images to explore further, reminders and due dates. I hope this blog will help students by reinforcing the week's major ideas and activities, giving make-up work for absentees, and providing families a look into the atelier every day!
Please visit the links on the right side for more information, downloads and images.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Self Critiques on the Wiki... Week 14
For our two day week prior to Thanksgiving, students are completing critiques of their own work. Using the self critique questions I provide as a guideline, students write reflective short essays describing their work. After giving full descriptions of the work, students then analyze and evaluate their work. For this critique, students are focusing on the Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculptures they created last week. They are creating wiki pages to present their work.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Andy Goldsworthy Studies... Week 13

This week students spent time researching environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy. Noted for his inventive use of natural materials in specific settings, Goldsworthy's work is exciting to students. Creating sculptures from natural materials found on site using no man made adhesives or tools, Goldsworthy's work involves ideas such as time, change, and permanence in his sculptures. Often times the only way to experience his sculptures are through the photographs he takes, as the sculptures are often in remote locations or are changed by weather and natural disintegration.
Students used the information they researched to create informational wiki pages about Goldsworthy's art, including a brief critique of his work in general. Students wrote three paragraphs and included images in their pages, completed during class time in the Fine Arts Mac lab.
Later in the week (if the rain stops!), students will take a hike in the woods around the school to evaluate their materials and resources, eventually creating their own outdoor environmental sculptures!
Link to wiki page with student responses to Goldsworthy's work found here.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Calder Mobiles... Week 12

Students asked themselves how Physiscs relates to Art this week as they learned about Alexander Calder and kinetic sculptures. After researching the artist and art form, the students watched a brief demonstration video detailing how to make three different styles of mobile sculptures. Students then designed and created their own tree, articulated, or spiral mobiles out of sculpture wire and found objects or painted cardboard.
Progress Reports go out Friday, November 13!
Friday, November 6, 2009
CD Cover Designs... Week 11
Students played the role of graphic designers this week as they took on the task
of redesigning existing CD covers by their favorite bands. After analyzing previous album artwork by the bands, students selected one album cover to redesign. Students not only focused on interesting typography, images, and layout, but also on creating a mood or 

This lesson required students to communicate important information
about the music while creating an interesting visual design.
Recycled Sculptures... Week 10

After researching the life and work of sculptor Louise Nevelson, students worked in pairs to create their own sculpture inspired by her work. We collected everyday "trash" and discarded items such as soda bottles, paper towel rolls, old cardboard, and boxes which the students then transformed into beautiful sculptures. Groups painted the items within their found object sculptures in monochromatic color schemes, drawing attention to the interesting shapes and forms of these everyday objects.
Students not only had a good environmental lesson in creative reuse of materials, but also focused on the Human Ingenuity required to create an interesting work of art.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Wrapping up 1st Quarter... Week 9
Students spent this week finishing up all projects, organizing their materials, and participating in Community and Service activities. Students in the HS Art room created ceramic pieces inspired by leaves which they will donate to i-Fest for sale. You can purchase one at the celebration in April!
Have a great Fall Break!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Keith Haring Murals... Week 8
Using the simplified figures typical of Haring's work, students combined their ideas with their classmates in small groups to create murals which they hung around school. The resulting murals were bright, bold, and continue to communicate the ideas students wanted to the entire school on a daily basis!
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