Welcome to the online art studio, aka the wired atelier*!

This blog is designed for students and families in Allison Fuller-Mulloy's SMHS Art Classes. It is a site for posting our daily work and homework (IWs) each week, ideas and images to explore further, reminders and due dates. I hope this blog will help students by reinforcing the week's major ideas and activities, giving make-up work for absentees, and providing families a look into the atelier every day!

Please visit the links on the right side for more information, downloads and images.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 4... History in the Making

1st and 2nd period Ceramics had a 3-4 page Autobiography investigation in their workbooks due Mon (8/30). The students started this week in the computer lab investigating the History of Ceramics and Pottery. They are to complete a 3-4 page investigation in their workboks addressing the major questions in an investigation: Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? As always, their investigations should include 50% text and info, 50% images. They should include at least 5 sources in MLA style in their investigation! The last part of the week they created designs for their ceramic rattle!

3rd period Art 3/4 students created their final designs for the Hamilton Place bus design contest. After planning extensively last week, students have created some fantastic designs to submit for entry to the contest! After finishing their design entries, students should finish the 3-4 page investigation in their workbooks by completing a self critique! Next, Art 3/4 students began investigating and planning their first choice project which they will need to complete by Friday (9/10)!

4th period Photography students had a 2 different investigations in their workbooks due Mon (8/30): an Autobiography , as well as the 3-4 page investigation on the History and Invention of Photography we began in class last week. The students started the week creating timelines of key events on Photo History, dividing in groups to find correlating events in world history to correspond on the timleine. Students also began photographing the 7 Elements of Art, and those 7 photo files are due next Tuesday (9/7)! An investigation on the Elements of Art and their 7 Photos are also due Tuesday (9/7).Students got a day in the computer lab to do online research for those assignments!

6th period Art 2 students had a 3-4 page Autobiography investigation in their workbooks due Mon (8/30). Students created their final designs for the Hamilton Place bus design contest this week. After planning extensively last week, students have created some fantastic designs to submit for entry to the contest! To prepare for our next project, students brought in two things: their summer reading book and a "headshot" photo of themselves making an expressive face. Angry, excited, bored, blissful, whatever! Photo MUST be of head ONLY and be close enough to see details in focus!
Students began the Summer Reading project this week as well. After investigating their summer reading or seminar book by creating a summary and list of important themes, symbols, and objects from the story, students were asked to bring in photos of 2 of the objects from their list to draw. After making sketches and observing details, students will create a 6x9 realistic drawing of each of their objects. Students will then choose a passage or two from the book mentioning those objects and use their skills with typography to incorporate the text from the passage into the artwork.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 3... Let the Projects begin!

Students began working on their first involved projects in their Art classes this week. Homework assignments, or IWs, have been given, and students are hard at work solving the problems I have presented them! Please ASK your student about the IW assignments and requirements; they should know by now!

1st and 2nd period Ceramics classes quizzed on Ceramics vocabulary this week. The 6 stages of clay must be memorized asap! Students also learned the basic handbuilding techniques and formed their first pieces from clay. A Slab-formed Texture Tile, a Pinch Pot vessel, and a Coil-made coaster or vessel. Students also worked on an Investigation of Self/Autobiography of 3-4 pages in their IWs due Monday (8/30).

3rd period Art 3/4 students spent the week investigating, brainsorming, planning, and sketching ideas for their next project. Students are creating designs for the Hamilton Place Mall Bus Design Contest. With the theme of "Design a Better World and Community," students brainstormed aspects of their world and community that they loved, then thought of things they wanted to see changed for the better. Students then investigated and produced designs using the template for submission provided by Hamilton Place. When finished, we'll scan and submit the entries digitally! The investigation for the project is due Monday (8/30)!

4th period Photography students spent the week "dropping" their files of photos to my computer to turn in. The 5 best photos they've taken and the 5-7 photos of school that were due Monday (8/23) were uploaded to my computer. We viewed and discussed most students' 5 best, but we realized we have too many people to critique in one period! Students will critique each others' school photos soon! We spent the remainder of the week in the Mac lab on our Photo History Investigation project. Students must complete a 3-4 page investigation on the History and Invention of Photography in their workbooks, including 50% text, 50% images, as always!

6th period Art 2 students spent the week investigating, brainsorming, planning, and sketching ideas for their Bus design project. Art 2 students are creating designs for the Hamilton Place Mall Bus Design Contest as well. With the theme of "Design a Better World and Community," students brainstormed aspects of their world and community that they loved, then thought of things they wanted to see changed for the better. Students then investigated and produced designs using the template for submission provided by Hamilton Place. When finished, we'll scan and submit the entries digitally! The investigation for the project is due Monday (8/30), along with an Autobiography investigation of 3-4 pages in their workbooks!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 2... Nametags, Sketchbooks, and Forms, Oh My!

Students in all classes spent this week finishing their nametags, creating designs for their own sketchbooks (now known as Investigation Workbooks for IB), and turning in forms signed by parents. If you have not signed and returned your student's art form and fees, please do so ASAP! Thanks to all who returned them this week and paid the fee here or at registration!

Students will be using their Investigation workbooks (IWs) all year, every day. They will write, draw, reflect, research, and brainstorm every day in these books, so I asked them to make the cover designs special. They should create a cover that immediately shows who they are, what they like, and what their personal style is. I am excited by the diversity of designs and the willingness of some students to make a really interesting cover!

*Ceramics students have a quiz on the Stages of Clay Thursday (8/19).

*Art 3/4 students have an autobiography in their IWs due Monday (8/23).

* Photo students should bring 5 of their best photos to critique for Thursday (8/19), and remember to bring their cameras for a shooting day Friday (8/20)!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 1... Intro to the Courses

1st and 2nd periods: Ceramics Art 2
3rd period: Art 3/4
4th period: Photo Art 2
6th period: General Art 2

All classes went over the course syllabus, expectations, logistics of the art room, and began learning course specific vocabulary. Students did a great job listening to me talk all period; I promised them most days wouldn't be so tedious!! Students should return their signed parent slips from the syllabus next week.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


August is here, and school is back in session! Students in Art classes are taking a wide variety of classes, including Ceramics, Photography, Art 2, and Art 3/4/AP. There is a new art teacher, Mr. Kelley, who will be taking over the Art 1 studies this year. SMMHS and the HS Art studio will be buzzing all year, and it is my goal to keep this blog full of posts about our activities in each class!

Enjoy, feel free to leave comments, and keep checking back!