Students spent today's class period in the library computer lab doing research with their partners for their wiki assignment. Folders for each block were pointed out, as well as the group numbers and pages already created. Students were also asked to make sure their name on the wiki account was First Name & 2 initials of Last name (ex. AllisonMu for me) for privacy purposes. This Art Critique wiki assignment will count as a test grade.
After choosing a piece of art by a Harlem Renaissance artist, students searched the web for an image to add to the wiki. Using the Online Assignment page for an explanation of this assignment, as well as the Approaching Works of Art page as a step-by-step guide for writing the critique, partners used the period to collect pertinent information from reliable Websites and test their group's wiki page. Students were reminded of the timetable for this assignment (Presentations ready by Friday) and of their one additional day in class to work on computers, but were encouraged to do as much work at home as they can!
Students were again reminded of the writing portion of this week's homework assignment.
Welcome to the online art studio, aka the wired atelier*!
This blog is designed for students and families in Allison Fuller-Mulloy's SMHS Art Classes. It is a site for posting our daily work and homework (IWs) each week, ideas and images to explore further, reminders and due dates. I hope this blog will help students by reinforcing the week's major ideas and activities, giving make-up work for absentees, and providing families a look into the atelier every day!
Please visit the links on the right side for more information, downloads and images.