This semester I am excited to be teaching three different classes: Art 1, Art 2 Intro Photography, and Art 3/4 Studio Art. I will do my best to differentiate the classes here by making headings within each week's blog for each specific course. This blog will be updated weekly with assignments, topics of discussion, due dates, reminders, and any other important information for students and guardians!
As our first week consisted of a day and a half (thanks, Snow!), we barely got into introducing the courses week 1. We will use week 2 to truly introduce each course with syllabi and class logistics.
Welcome to Art and 2nd Semester, Everyone!
Welcome to the online art studio, aka the wired atelier*!
This blog is designed for students and families in Allison Fuller-Mulloy's SMHS Art Classes. It is a site for posting our daily work and homework (IWs) each week, ideas and images to explore further, reminders and due dates. I hope this blog will help students by reinforcing the week's major ideas and activities, giving make-up work for absentees, and providing families a look into the atelier every day!
Please visit the links on the right side for more information, downloads and images.