Welcome to the online art studio, aka the wired atelier*!

This blog is designed for students and families in Allison Fuller-Mulloy's SMHS Art Classes. It is a site for posting our daily work and homework (IWs) each week, ideas and images to explore further, reminders and due dates. I hope this blog will help students by reinforcing the week's major ideas and activities, giving make-up work for absentees, and providing families a look into the atelier every day!

Please visit the links on the right side for more information, downloads and images.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 7... Seminar Books, Photograms, and Coils

1st and 2nd periods Ceramics classes created coil vases this week. Due Monday (9/20) were 5 photos of ceramics seen outside of the classroom. Students could show me camera phone pics, post to Facebook, or print out the pics. A demonstration on how to throw on the potter's wheel later in the week began the rotation of students onto our 4 potter's wheels to experience throwing. Each week, students will rotate onto the 4 wheels and hopefully create some great pottery while learning a fun technique! Students concentrated this week, howeer, on creating a solid coil construction which was: 20 coils high, included spirals, and was water tight. The different shapes and approaches have been really interesting to see in creation! Students do not have a new IW this week, as it is TURN IN WEEK for workbooks!

3rd period Art 3/4/AP class worked on the Seminar Reading Project. After investigating their seminar book by creating a summary and list of important themes, symbols, and objects from the story, students were asked to bring in 2 photos or 2 of the actual objects from their lists to draw. After making sketches and observing details, students will create a 6x9 realistic drawing of each of their objects. Students will then choose a passage or two from the book mentioning those objects and use their skills with typography to incorporate the text from the passage into the artwork. Students may propose a similar idea, such as creating a sculptural piece instead of a 2-D piece, but proposal must be made to Mrs. Mulloy before deviating from the established assignment! Due Monday (9/20) was an IW on the history of and relationship between Literature and Art. There is no new IW this week other than for the Seminar Reading project! All other IWs are now overdue and will be graded this week!

4th period Photography students learned about Photograms early in the week by doing research, then learned in the darkroom  how to create their own Photograms. Due Monday (9/20) were a Rule of Thirds IW and 10 Rule of Thirds Photos: One set of 5 centered, one set on the Rule of Thirds. Learning and practicing basic black and white printing skills in the darkroom, students gained valuable experience in traditional photography this week. Working chemical solutions, dilutions, While we were rotating in the darkroom, students also completed a Visual Analysis of a photograph of their choice, copied important photo vocab into their workbooks, and began their next Photo shoot Assignment: Photograph the ABCs, 26 photos due Tuesday, October 5.

6th period Art 2 students finished up their Summer Reading Projects at the beginning of the week. After finishing the artwork, students created Artist's Statements to accompany their art work in an exhibit around the school. Our hope is that other students will not only be able to admire the creative talent of our art students, but also reinforce the major ideas and themes of the Seminar and Summer Reading books we read. Students then began an Expressive Portrait project. They will create portraits of themselves based on photos then altered to be in a more Expressive style.